
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

E is for the Emerald Lizard (Gemstone Folklore)

Welcome to the 2022 A to Z Blogging Challenge! My theme this year is Gemstone Folklore. Because I love stories about shiny things. Read the introduction to the project here.


Emeralds, the green variety of beryl, have been popular since ancient times. They appear in many folktales and legends, so it was hard to pick just one. In the end, I picked one that I find endearing.

The Emerald Lizard

This story features a kind-hearted monk, Perdo San Joseph de Bethancourt. He cared for the poor, fed the needy, and established a hospital for the sick. One day a poor man came to him to ask for money to buy medicine for his dying wife. Hermano Pedro did not have any money, so he picked up a small lizard from the ground and handed it to the man. 
A miracle happened: the lizard turned into an emerald! The poor man sold it, and with the money he managed to save his wife and turn his fortune around. Later on, as a wealthy man, he bought back the emerald lizard, and returned it to Hermano Pedro as a gift of gratitude. The monk placed the lizard gently on the ground... and it ran away.
(Hermano Pedro lived in the 17th century, and is one of the patron saints of Guatemala.)

You can read the story here or here. There is also a version in this book, where the lizard turns into gold.
A Mexican version of the same tale features a bejeweled scorpion instead of a lizard.

Other stories:
The tale of Princess Pepperina from India features an emerald amulet, in the shape of a green pepper, that always calls out the truth. Another tale from India talks about an Emerald Mountain, with an Emerald City on top. In a Scottish legend we find a magic emerald goblet that belongs to the faeries. In a tale from Afghanistan, a girl cries emeralds and laughs flowers.

Do you like emeralds? 
What images, memories, feelings do they conjure up for you?


  1. Another fun folktale. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Aww, this is so beautiful. I lvoed this tory :-)

    The Old Shelter - Enter the New Woman

  3. I think emerald is one of my favourite precious stones, I just love the deep green.
    And this story is so nice, I like when peoole don't forget the ones who helped them.

  4. I loved the lizard emerald tale. It's so complete. In view of the greed we see these days--this tale is a lesson.
    Emeralds are my most favourite gem stones and I was hoping you'd pick them on 'E' day:)
    Thank you.

  5. Wow, who knew there were so many folktales with emeralds in them? A nice, gentle story.

  6. I'm writing a lot about monks these days (Renaissance) so I love this idea that mixes magic with Christianity with money with the wild world! St. Francis loved all animals, so he would approve.

  7. I think emeralds are beautiful but the only memory they conjure up at the moment is a Mission Impossible ep called, imaginatively 'The Emerald'😆. I've been editing this morning so my brain is fried.
    I love the story, especially how the lizard got turned back at the end.
    Tasha's Thinkings: YouTube - What They Don't Tell You (and free fiction)

  8. My favorite kind of tale - goodness all around. I do like emeralds, but you're not going to trick me into choosing a favorite stone. I'm an equal opportunity admirer.

  9. My favorite part of this story is that the emerald changed back into a lizard at the end. I have lots of experience with lizzards, none with emeralds.

  10. That's a good one. Let me know where I could find that monk. Jokes apart, Out of all the stones including diamonds I am more fond of Emeralds. Some how, to me they look more beautiful. :)

  11. What a sweet story!

    Emerald is my birthstone, so I was predisposed to like it and I do. It helps that green is a color that works well on me. So, I have no problem finding outfits that work with emerald ring my parents gave me.

  12. I like that the man returned the emerald, didn't try to keep it and use it further. I do like emeralds, just a lovely color.

  13. What a beautiful folktale! and I´m so happy that the lizard turned back to normal. :D

  14. I adore emeralds! I'm planning to get a few of my future ear piercings done with emeralds, my fourth set of lobe piercings and one helix flat. There are also a lot of healing properties assigned to emeralds, though of course I don't believe gemstones are actual medicine.

  15. I love this story! And I love emeralds, too.
