
Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for the Elephant Princess

Today's princess is brought to you from Malaysia, by the author if this neat little collection.

The story starts out with ("the prophet") Adam and Eve having a fight. Start at the Beginning, right? With a capital B.
Well, this fight ends in a breakup because Eve decides to move "across the sea" and become "the queen of the other side." In addition to that, she also has a daughter, a princess. Princess soon grows curious about what is across the sea, and defying her mother's orders to leave people's fields alone she crosses the water and stomps around until she is turned into an elephant for her carelessness. Oops.

The prince that lives nearby sees her in her new form, and, guess what, he has never seen an elephant before. When he sees the monster "with tails on both ends" he hits in on the forehead with an iron pike and breaks the tip of the weapon off into the elephant's skin. Elephant princess runs home, and the prince follows, suspecting that it was not just an ordinary monster. The rest is pretty standard: he finds the princess, removes the iron blade from her forehead, brings her back to life and health, and marries her.


The moment the princess and her thirty-nine attendants set foot on the Prince's fields after the wedding, on their way to their new home... they turn into elephants.

End of story.

So, the prince now has forty great elephants instead of a wife. Some would call that a good deal. I suspect this story was supposed to explain the origin of elephants. It certainly did it in a very original way.

Moral of the story: Treat elephants well, one in every forty is a princess.

(The picture has nothing to do with the story, it is a TV show aptly named "Elephant Princess." I was amused.)


  1. Just stopping by from the A-Z list to say hi :)

    Great theme honey, good luck with the rest of the challenge!


  2. Hi Maya - welcome to the Challenge .. hope ou'll have fun - there are lots of story tellers around the A-Z - you should be able to find plenty of people to join you ...

    Cheers and all the best - Hilary

  3. Hi Zalka! Great princess choice today :)

  4. Sounds like a cute story...reminds me of kissing a frog to find a prince.

  5. Welcome to the the post and topic! Blessings...following you now as well.

    Shannon at I Survived and Now I Run

  6. In a way I found it amusing.. Well written... Keep up the good work.

    - Your fellow AtoZer

  7. I love legends and myths on how things came to be. What a great story to know.

  8. Well now even I don't know what to say about this elephant story! heh heh, not possible I'm at a loss? But I always did want to meet a, maybe if I find one of them elephants somewhere?

  9. That's a neat tale. It made me think about elephants. yeah, they are pretty in their own way. Isn't the elephant an important symbol in the Indian culture? Must go find out.

    I'm doing the AtoZ at
    Take 25 to Hollister
    Don't be a Hippie

  10. What a fantastic moral. This reminds me of the plot of every Grimm's fairy tale I've ever read. Royalty was being transformed into animals and inanimate objects quite frequently in the old days.

    J M Filipowicz, fellow A to Z Blogger

  11. Interesting idea of where elephants come from. I like it. :D

    Hopped over from A to Z here is my link.
    Happy A to Z travels!

  12. This one is my favorite so far. Love elephants!

  13. Loving this theme for A to Z, will be coming back to princessfy.

  14. Well, this is perfect! I love elephants, so of course my word for the day was... elephant! What a cute story!

    The A to Z blog said in the latest post to add a link to your own A to Z blog in the comments, so here's mine:

  15. LOL! I will remember this time I meet an elephant :)

  16. Whoa...

    That story just blew my mind.

    The summary worked really well for me, when you glossed over the princess marries prince etc. part.

    But then blam, rushes right into 40 elephants!

    WTF LOL.

    Definitely unique, thanks for sharing, Zalka :)

    Keep ryzin'!

  17. Well, that was different:) Neat little story - I wouldn't mind having some elephants over a husband *clears throat* I mean, a prince:)
