
Saturday, April 7, 2018

G is for Goat Boy (WTF Hungary - Weird Things in Hungarian Folktales)

Welcome to this year's A to Z Challenge titled WTF Hungary - Weird Things in Hungarian Folktales! You can find all other participating blogs on the A to Z Challenge main blog.

Sometimes your knight in shining armor is a goat.

This tale comes from the same storyteller who gave us the Diamond Prince in a Rubber Suit. She was clearly a woman of great imagination, and a taste for WTF.

The story begins with a goatherd boy who notices that one of his goats is pregnant, and decides to eat the kid (that sounds bad) when it is born. But when the kid is actually born, it immediately speaks, which makes the goatherd reconsider his plans.
Goat Boy proves to be very useful. First, he disguises himself as a human, crashes a wedding, and brings a bunch of food home. Then, when wolves attack the village, he gets a rusty sword, and kills them all. He similarly slays 12 bandits, and then, to the king's order, goes off to kill a giant and rescue the princess. And then he marries the princess.

The fun part: At no point in this story does the goat turn into a man. He is disguised as one, but he is still a goat. So. Supergoat wins the day. We don't find out what the princess had to say about it.


  1. Sounds like Puss in Boots, except for marrying the princess. No, I don't imagine she would be too impressed on the wedding night!

  2. Goat Boy and the Diamond Prince in a Rubber Suit - some imagination! I wonder how the princess feels about marrying a goat... Wonderful first week, I look forward to more :-)

  3. We kept goats for 8 years and I do not envy the princess being married to a buck, even one disguised as a man. I can only imagine...

  4. I'm noticing a lot of trends in these folktales, like royal weddings at the end. These are so much fun.

  5. How odd he stays a goat! No curse that is lifted with a kiss? These are such fun folktales!

  6. Well, that's quite the wtf story. o.O

    ~Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    My A to Z’s of Dining with IC
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

  7. If he's still a goat, how does he hold the sword?

  8. Goat-boy made me immediately think of a satyr and this was not going to end up in a good place :) but...glad to find I was wrong.

  9. Interesting and funny story. I enjoyed reading it. :) have a nice weekend.

  10. All I can think of is the princess on their wedding night!! Now, that would make a super WTF tale. No?
    G is for Golden Cap

  11. That's one baaaaad goat. (Bad meaning good. Couldn't resist a sheep sounding pun.)

  12. I love the fact he never turns into a man, just masquerades as one :)
    Tasha's Thinkings - Movie Monsters

  13. I love it. And I guess the princess knew what she was letting herself in for, so who cares?

    Jemima, blogging from A to Z on my writing inspirations

  14. Yay, I found you again! I'm late perusing the whole master list this year.

    Ha! This would be a fitting epitaph for me. "She was clearly a woman of great imagination, and a taste for WTF."

    I would imagine the princess and goat boy went on to life a happy and fruitful life and raised a large herd of, wait. Euw.

  15. Goat kids are adorable -- and so is the one in the little outfit you have in the picture.

  16. Those pics are adorable and so is the story, but we had a couple of goats in the yard behind us for two years, in the middle of the city, and OMG are they actually annoying full time! I feel sorry for the princess!!
    Jamie Lyn Weigt | Theme: Odds and Ends Dragons | Writing Dragons

  17. I don't think the princesses ever get much say in the matter. They're the king's property to be disposed of as he wishes. Still, goats are great, so this princess could have had it much worse!

  18. Well, that sounds like such a fun story.
    So peculiar that the goat disguises as a man. Normally, princes are turned into animals and they are resored to their nature by magic.
    This is such an interesting perpective.
