
Monday, March 31, 2014

Storytellers A to Z!

This year's A to Z challenge has many wonderful categories to help you pick and choose blogs to visit. Whether it is gaming, gardening, crafting, or writing that you are interested in, there is a shorthand on the list to point you in the right direction.
Sadly but understandably, Storytelling is not one of those categories (yet). But storytellers are participating in the blog challenge in increasing numbers, so I decided to gather them up in one post, in case someone wants to hop around and see what the fuss is all about.
There. Shall. Be. Stories.

Without further ado, here is a list of storytelling blogs participating in this year's A to Z challenge:

Storytelling Matters (Jeri Burns)

Storytelling and Life (Mary Garrett)

Fizz Boom Read Listen Imagine (Mary Grace Ketner)

Story Crossings (Pam Faro)

Adventures in Barding (Barra the Bard)

Power of Story: Artifacts! (Sue Kuentz)

Ellouisestory (Ellouise Schoettler)

Storytelling - resources for storytellers (Tim Sheppard)

And, of course, yours truly.

Enjoy the challenge!


  1. My A to Z blog is: The Power of Story: Artifacts
    My blog is primarily storytelling/writing/reading for educators and storytelling club participants. I'm looking forward to challenging myself and hopefully bringing springboard ideas to everyone interested in any of the above. Thank you for letting us know about this great opportunity!

  2. My A-Z Challenge blog is I am a storyteller - the blog is about storyteller, art, writing and everyday life. Look forward to the April daily challenge. I used to write every day and would like to charge my batteries for it again.

  3. Shoot fire, woman! You recruited all these (all us) storytellers single-handedly. Looking forward to it!

  4. Looks like I found another group of storytellers. My theme is similiar to this but will be right now just give snippets and later deverlop into short stories. All stories relating to women. Will look out for your stories. Happy A-Zing..:)

  5. Thought I'd do Scottish tales and lore, using the Scots Gaelic alphabet. This'll be good practice in writing more succinctly than I usually do--already rewrote (in other words, radically cut) A and B posts. But how do you capture that badge onto your sidebar?

  6. Hi,
    My theme is based on my life, as I believe TRUTH is always stranger than fiction. A storyteller who talks about her own tales.

  7. Csenge you've inspired me to start a whole new blog just to enter this challenge. Thank you! The first post is already up at
    Storytelling - resources for storytellers
    . I'm blogging on the keys to being a good storyteller, for both beginners and professionals. And I've started with probably the biggest key of all, since it happens to start with A. I'd love to know what you think!

  8. I thank you for instigating this. I'm enjoying the visits.
